Friday, 23 April 2010

Upgrading to Snow Leopard and Ubuntu Lucid Linx?

I've been updating our office Macs to Snow Leopard and since I'm the only one that's running Linux via Bootcamp I am the guinea pig for the upgrade to Snow Leopard.

What did I discover? When you initially prep a "Windows" partition using Bootcamp, it leaves a little bit of space between your OS X and your new partition. It turns out that this space is needed to run the OS X Installer/Upgrader. I however didn't know that at the time and so I wiped that space and used the whole empty space to create two partition (/ and swap). When I tried to upgrade it failed and therefore I had to spend about 3-4 hours of my day resizing my Linux partition to allow for the upgrader to run.

By the way, I booted into a Linux Live CD (Ubuntu 9.10) that I had handy and ran gparted which worked like magic. However, I also ran into the issue where Grub wasn't able to boot and instead only got to "Grub". I managed to fix that too with the Live CD and everything is great. I can boot into Snow Leopard if I have to and use Ubuntu on my daily basis.

Now comes Lucid Linx. How smoothly will that upgrade go! I don't know, but I can't wait to try it out.


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